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Luxy® Hair  - Luxy Girl Of The Month: Elanna Pecherle
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Luxy Girl Of The Month: Elanna Pecherle

We're so excited about our new monthly segment Luxy Girl Of The Month, where we showcase our favourite Luxy Hair content creators every month, learn more about who they are, and share their words of advice. Our first Luxy Girl Of The Month is our lovely friend Elanna, who you may recognize from our YouTube channel and Instagram. We caught up with Elanna when she visited us in Toronto for a quick conversation. Read on...

Luxy Girl Of The Month Elanna

What’s an average day in the life of Elanna?

An average day in my life at the moment is very chill. Since there is a baby on the way due in February, I’ve just been relaxing, taking lots of naps, going out for coffee and of course working. There’s still just under 4 months left so I want to enjoy this time with my husband before our lives are changed forever.

What got you started as a content creator? What do you love about it?  

Firstly, I was such a fan of Youtube myself. I used to (and still do) watch hours upon hours a day of beauty gurus talking about makeup and doing tutorials and always was so fascinated with it all. Since I had always been in the beauty industry to some extent I thought, why not start my own channel? So in January 2015 I started my channel and have loved it ever since!

How did your love for all things hair and beauty begin?

At a very, very young age. My mom even has one of her journal’s from when I was 4 saying I was always getting dressed up, putting her makeup on and doing my hair. I guess it’s just always been apart of my DNA as cheesy as that sounds. I loved creating looks on myself and soon gained the trust of friends and family members to do their hair and makeup for events and it just took off from there.

Luxy Girl Of The Month: Elanna

Luxy Girl Of The Month Elanna Pecherle

Describe your hair routine.

To be honest, I keep it simple. I use a toning shampoo and conditioner so that my blonde hair stays the colour  I like and then every so often I use a hair mask in the shower.  On an everyday basis I’ll use a heat protectant spray from aveda (smells magical) and maybe a wee bit of oil at the bottoms of my hair. Less is more!  

Why do you love Luxies and how do you wear them?

Oh man, where do I even start when it comes to Luxy hair. I was a customer of Luxy hair before I even started YouTube! I remember receiving my first set and just falling in love with the colour (dirty blonde) the quality and of course the endless hairstyles you could do with them. I honestly where them almost every single day. The style I rock the most is just down and wavy but if my hair is looking a bit greasy then I throw it into a braid!

Luxy Hair Extensions 220g Ash Blonde

Luxy Girl Of The Month Elanna Pecherle

You’ve been married for just over a year now, what’s your secret for a happy, healthy & fun marriage? (Shout out to Paddy for all the help on our Luxy Hair videos!)

Yay! Awe, I love Paddy so much. Honestly, marry your best friend. We know each other on such a deep level and really can communicate well. I have such much respect and love for him and we genuinely have SO much fun together. Don’t stress on the small things, talk about everything and remember that marriage is sacrifice and the greatest commitment you’ll ever make!

Luxy Girl Of The Month Elanna Pecherle

You’re a mom-to-be (so exciting!) - what advice will you pass along to your daughter?

Ahh I can’t wait to meet her! I just want her to enjoy life to it’s fullest. Whatever she needs us to do as parents, we’ll be there for her no matter what.

Your biggest source of inspiration is…

I love coming across new content creators and seeing their images/videos on social media platforms. I gather inspiration from most places I go and from the people I surround myself with. Inspiration is everywhere.

Luxy Girl Of The Month Elanna

Luxy Girl Of The Month Elanna Pecherle

When you’re not in front of the camera, what could we find you doing?

To be honest, at the moment either sleeping or eating. Lol Keeping it real!

Luxy Girl Of The Month: Elanna Pecherle

Your secret to happiness is…

Don’t over think it, life is too short!

You can find Elanna on Instagram at @ellepearls and on her YouTube channel Ellepearls. Be sure to keep your eyes peeled to our YouTube channel for more amazing tutorial videos from Elanna. 

Shop the look

20" / 220 grams

20" Classic Dirty Blonde Clip-Ins (220g)

20" / 180 grams

20" Seamless Blonde Balayage Clip-Ins (180g)


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