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Luxy® Hair  - 33 Items to Include In Your Wedding Day Emergency Kit

33 Items to Include In Your Wedding Day Emergency Kit

It’s happening! The day you’ve planned for months is officially here and you have never been more excited. You have prepared everything from the flower arrangements to the dessert your guests will enjoy and the earrings you’re wearing, but do you have your bridal emergency kit ready? Yes, your emergency kit, the ultimate wedding planners must for anyone's big day. 

What's a Bridal Emergency Kit? 

To explain, it’s basically your life saver in case of an accidental spill, or an allergic reaction on your wedding day. You can imagine a large tote bag filled with all the necessities you may need in a pinch. Most wedding planners will have one prepared already, but if you are planning your wedding yourself, or want a little extra comfort you can create one on your own. Don’t worry if this is your first time hearing about this kit because we have compiled the ultimate wedding emergency kit plan for you. 

The first step to creating a wedding day emergency kit is understanding what could happen in an “emergency” and what you would need to fix it. Although this may not be a fun thought to have, it's best to be prepared in case a bridesmaid spills a little coffee on her blush gown or you need to bring your hairdo back to life with a volumizing spray. 

When Should You Pack your Bridal Emergency Kit? 

Experts suggest packing your emergency kit weeks in advance from your actual big day to avoid any forgotten items or brain fog.

The week of your wedding will be full of last minute tasks and running around so as to avoid cramming the to-do list, pack your emergency kit well in advance, and take your time gathering all the items. 

Pro Tip: Bring your emergency kit to wedding events leading up to the big day. Your bachelorette party is a perfect time to include your kit. To avoid forgetting anything, print our list and use it as your guide to gather everything. 

Who Will Handle the Emergency Kit on Your Wedding Day? 

On your wedding day you’ll want to designate someone to carry and take care of your emergency bag. Either your wedding planner, maid of honor or a bridesmaid can do this! Usually your venue will have a safe place to store your items and wedding gifts, so you can leave your bag in there during the day. Have a designated person pick up your emergency bag the night before or week before and make sure they bring it for you the day of. 

So with that in mind, let's dig into the ultimate preparation tools from real life wedding planners. 

Items you’ll want to include in your Bridal Emergency Kit: 

Snacks: We’ve all seen the movies where the bride faints, and it does happen in real life. There’s nothing worse than feeling faint, or worse…hangry on your big day. Pack some granola bars, fruit or anything travel friendly you can grab in a hurry to help balance out your blood sugar. 

Medicine: Allergic reactions, headaches, a toothache…anything that can happen, can happen. Pack your go-to pain reliever or allergy medication just in case you discover that day you are actually very allergic to pollen or someone's perfume. 

Nail Polish: You’ll most likely have shellac or a gel manicure for your big day, but in case of a chip, keep your nail intact with a clear top coat as a backup. 

Nail File: Did a stubborn nail break right before walking down the aisle? A quick file will fix any snagging it might make on your beautiful dress and veil. 

Mini First Aid Kit: Include items like band-aids, rubbing alcohol, cotton pads, burn cream etc. It may not be needed by you but in case someone has a bit too much to drink and finds themselves falling on the dance floor, you’ll be glad to have included this. 

Eye Drops: Whether you wear contacts or not, dry eyes can be caused by pollen or seasonal allergies. Or just staying up late and not being able to sleep because of wedding day jitters! Adding this to your emergency bridal kit is a must. Psst, its also a great hack to having beautiful, bright eyes in your photos! 

Tampons & Pads: Enough said, be safe rather than sorry. Even if you keep track of your cycle, times of stress can cause your flow to be irregular and you don’t want to stain your beautiful dress. 

Water Bottles: Have water bottles on hand for you and your bridal party on-site at your getting ready location, and photo-ops. Don’t forget to bring stainless steel straws to keep your lipstick on!

Razors: Missed a spot under your arm or on your legs? Have a backup razor in case anyone forgot an area prepping for your day. 

Q-Tips & Makeup Remover: Smudged eyeliner from walking down the aisle. Have both Q-tips and makeup remover on hand for any touch ups you might need throughout the day. 

Toiletries: Deodorant, lotion, lip chap, toothpaste, toothbrush, dental floss & perfume. Pack as if you’re going overnight somewhere and you won’t miss anything. 

Wardrobe necessities to include: 

Blotting Papers: Don’t sweat it. Having blotting papers on hand means you can touch up oily T-zones and your lips if necessary. Even if you don’t have oily skin, you will want to refresh your make up after a full day of wedding festivities.  

Stain Remover: A Tide-to-go pen will be your best friend in a pinch. Don’t take a chance of a stain ruining your big day. Have a backup stain remover readily at hand. 

Super Glue: Did a bead fall off your dress? Broken nail? A bridesmaid heel broke that maybe shouldn’t have been used the night before to go out? It can all be super glued at the last minute so no one is the wiser. 

White Chalk: Maybe one of the most important things on this list. If a stain won’t come out of your dress, chalk can cover it up enough to help hide it. Don’t forget the chalk! 

Fabric Tape: Tape your girls, your dress hem, anything that might need an extra hand. 

Bobby Pins & Elastics: There’s nothing worse than your hairstyle falling out right before walking down the aisle. Have a backup of hair elastics, scrunchies, pins, and a curling iron for any touch ups. Store it all in our favorite Application Kit

Volumizer Wefts: Don’t forget hairstyles can fall flat, or worse fall out. Have backup volumizers wefts if you need extra oomf’ or thickness for your big day. 

Extensions Carrier: Having your Luxy extensions carrier protect and carry your additional volumizer wefts & clip-in extensions to keep them in the best shape during transit and to hold styling. 

Baby Powder: Chafing has the power to make you miserable. Don’t allow it on your big day, pack a mini baby powder for anything that might get a little uncomfortable. 

Compact Mirror: Whether you’re on your way to the church, or in between photos. Having a compact mirror to double check that everything is still looking good is a must. P.S. Ask your Maid of Honor to have this on hand for you! 

Comb & Hairspray: Packing a comb & hairspray can help tame any fly aways you might run into & help with any bridesmaid hair malfunctions long after hair and makeup has left. 

Earring Backs: Purchase some clear backings incase of a missing back on the day of and don’t worry about losing an accessory after a night of dancing. 


Cash: Whether you need cash for a quick fast food run on the way to the chapel, or forgot to tip one of your vendors. Cash on hand will be important!

Mints: You’ve been up since 8 am prepping, eating and sipping coffee. Have these on hand to help with a refresh and also an upset tummy!  

Phone Charger: Chances are you’ll want to TikTok your day from start to finish while getting ready! Tiktok drains your battery, pack a fast charging cord to ensure you have your phone with you ready to record all day long! 

Sunscreen: If you’re having an outdoor wedding in the middle of summer don’t risk getting a burn on your shoulders! Pack a high SPF sunscreen to protect your skin throughout the day. 

Scissors: If you’ve packed a mini sewing kit, chances are you’ll have some in there. If not, this is your reminder!  

Static Guard: Bridesmaid dresses sticking to your crew? Static guard is the ultimate save for anything static-y the day of. 

Lidocaine Pain Relieving Spray: Yes, pain spray. It will be your savior hours into your wedding when your feet hurt from your heels! Spray it on and dance the night away. 

Flat Shoes: When the party really starts you may want to let your hair down and dance the night away. Pack a pair of your favorite white sneakers, or flip flops and really enjoy the night! 

Tissues: It's your wedding day, and there's bound to be a lot of happy tears. Have some on hand for those tearjerker moments. 

Black Socks: We know you’re not wearing socks…but the groomsmen are, and let’s face it sometimes they can leave things last minute. Have a backup in case they forgot. 

Whether your big day is a few weeks away or a couple months, mentally preparing for it can feel overwhelming with all the “to-do’s” you may have left. Organization is key, and creating lists can help calm your nerves of forgetting anything. Packing your emergency kit is one additional step to make you feel confident in knowing you’re well prepared for your day. In the midst of all the planning, remind yourself that this is a day meant for you and the love of your life to enjoy and remember forever. Don’t sweat the small stuff, and be present in every moment. If you stick to that, you are sure to have the best day of your life. 

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Written By: Victoria Russo 

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